Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Samm's extravaganza

I got a late start at Samm's yesterday, leaving my office around 5:30, and when I arrived at the Fusselle's I parked behind Mary Schroer's red SUV. What a feast she had! They had hosted Ed's firm on Sunday so we had benefit of extras from that event - I got the caterer's card but can't locate it now, so ask Samm if you want her contact information. And her home is just lovely. The kitchen, where we congregated, has sweeping views of the pool and deck that we eventually moved onto to admire the landscaping that was artfully completely by Carolyn Ziegler and Jil Powell.

Mary had brought Gail and we chatted a bit while Ed came in bearing whiskey for the bread pudding sauce that Samm was replenishing. Jil Powell followed shortly thereafter. Gail and Samm discussed former high school classmates, including Marion White Linder, bless her, and her struggles with health.

Somehow Gail and I got onto the subject of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and I learned that she had been there when Mike Leonard, Casey's father, was managing Larry Jon Wilson and recording in a studio at a former plantation. I'm filing that one away - that girl has had some fascinating experiences. We didn't get a long conversation but she's doing well, back at work with both grandchildren lovingly cared for, Gaby in preschool and Aiden in mother's morning out.

We had a couple of new people this time: Shari Alexander and Anna Wilds and Kathy D'Atignac.

Nancy Gage came in - Nancy of SRP Credit Uniion and current president of the North Augusta Chamber of Commerce. She was followed by Sharon Johnston (of LinkedIn and networker extraordinaire fame, she's still job seeking) and her friend and realtor, Shari Alexander. Kathy Vokes, who had come with Bunny to Barb's home, followed, with news that she had just bought a home 3 weeks ago.

Anna Wilds followed. We've known each other for several years through church (well, more than several!) and reconnected on LinkedIn thanks to Sharon, so I invited her to come to WBA. She's a delightful person and smart cookie to boot. She's a franchise consultant, so if you know anyone looking for a business, she's your woman.

Anna had just met the franchisors that my husband and I met with in San Diego last week in his new venture, Brightstar Healthcare, a home health care company he's building. (He's looking for a Director of Nursing right now, and then LPNs, CNAs, caregivers, etc., so let me know if you know someone!)

Speaking of nurses, Pat Moss came in, followed by MCG general cousel Jenny Roddy, Cheryl Grace and Grace Waters and Carolyn Tynan. I had to leave for a dinner date with David, but the party was in full swing when I left and I'm guessing it didn't wrap up too soon. If you were there longer, please send notes and I'lll forward them.

Oh gosh - I almost forgot because I didn't write it down - guess who came??? Rebecca Rogers! Larry is doing so well that she came straight from work to Samm's. I was so glad! She's been a Strong Woman, in the WBA fashion exemplified by all of us - Carolyn Ziegler, Carolyn Tynan, Gail Patty quite recently, and we hope the fellowship lent her a bit of strength, or at least change of scenery.

By the way, if I missed you, let me know! It's been a wild week at work. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

We missed Barb Meeks and Linda Henderson - they both were trying to get to Samm's, but I suspect that their 5 o'clock meeting ran longer than they had hoped. Several others said they were coming that I didn't see either.

Jacqui Dekshenieks had mentioned hosting in October but we haven't reconnected on that. If you'd like to host October (if Jacqui can't, of course), November or December, let me know.

Many thanks to Samm for a bang-up first hosting of WBA~

Check out my website's Featured and Special Repor
100 Point letter. Equity Market Weekly. Portfolio Strategist. CD Rates; Beyond the Current Downturn.

Sandy Vantrease
Financial Advisor

Saturday, August 23, 2008

WBA this week and next month

Samm Fusselle has graciously offered her home for WBA, on September 23, which is the 4th Tuesday of the month. She lives in Watervale off Steven's Creek Rd., and the Two Sisters and a Spade did their magic in her yard, so I sure hope Carolyn and Jil can come!

I got an email today from Laura DiSano: Also ,one of the ladies left a red, white and black golf sized umbrella here the other night.

If the aforementioned unbrella is yours, please know that I'll have it soon, because she's giving it to me to give to whomever it belongs.

Yesterday, I took some Bobby's Barbeque lunch to Rebecca at Select Specialty Hospital and she was headed home, with a casserole in hand from Ed and Sharon Enoch. She's tired but happy that Larry's making progress.

Marla sent me an email this morning that arrangements hadn't been made on the funeral service for her brother in law. He was in the car accident Wednesday evening, and his last name is Ashley. I've gotten several kind emails from WBA that I've forwarded to her and she seems quite touched by WBA's response. I've asked her to let me know if they need anything.

I am reading a Global Equity Strategist report entitled "The New Carry Trade" that is not exactly easy reading but it gives interesting insight into debt markets, liquidity and oil prices and energy share prices. I would never forward that sort of report to WBA, but if you are interested in reading it (including world regional and market strategy) let me know.

Now, to polish off the notes from this week:
I DO have Haroldene's last name: it's Shrek. Like the character! What a trip she was. An Aiken resident, she plays piano at Cumberland Village. She moved here from Hilton Head Island and volunteers her piano talents. Had a fascinating story about a man in his 90's who loved her named Buster.

Grace Sharp teaches 4th grade at Warrenville Elementary school in Aiken. She was retired from Trenton NJ public schools, lives down the street from Laura, and also does interior design.

Carolyn Tynan moved to Augusta right out of college at University of Virginia for a job at Georgia Power. She hated Augusta for almost a year, but it grew on her. She met a gorgeous man a few years after she moved here, they married and are living happily ever after, 24 years later. She is a key account manager at Georgia Power. Her customers are chemical plants. Her oldest just went to Georgia Tech to study electrical engineering (he's also a football player! And adorable!), has another son in high school and her daughter's in middle school.

Barb Meeks was dubbed The Vogue Model. She's been on a health regimen and looks great. Not that she didn't look great before! But whatever she's doing, I wanna do. She's lived here for 21 years, moved from Indianapolis and is a Michgander by birth and raising. If you aren't familiar with the term, let me know! She was the first I noted to invoke having had a Practice Husband. Several others later mentioned that experience, including myself. She's got 3 wonderful children, all grown, eldest getting her graduate work done at MCG, twins at UGA and Ga Tech. Married to Larry for 12 years and quite happy. He owns Meeks Auto and Truck in S Augusta, and they met scuba diving in the Bahamas.

Mary Schroer is a builder in Grovetown, Evans and S Augusta. Married with two daughters and three grandchildren, she's been here several years from Minnesota, taking care of her parents who are moving into a retirement community in a couple of weeks, to her immense relief and happiness. She's from Georgia originally but has been gone for several decades. Graduate of UGA, she can woof with the best of them. Several of us chimed in.

Pat Tante, born in SC, retired from Pfizer and is an artist, painting in acrylics and collages, quirky folky art. Loves working at the Morris as a volunteer, playing tennis and being with her sweetheart Richard and grandchildren.

Cindy DiSano, Jenny's good friend for decades and Laura's sister in law, is an Italian of first generation parents. She grew up in Rhode Island, teaches women's and gender studies in Connecticut, and is building a home in Evans to live in when she is not up north teaching. She's retired I think but was in the Marine reserves for many years and wants to volunteer, when she's here, for either or both of Wounded Warrior Care Project and Youth Challenge Academy. Oh, and the love of her life is her 10 month old dachshund, Cooper, named after the dude who jumped out of an airplane with gobs of money who was never discovered. She also dearly loves Laura and Dennis's children, judging from the zeal in which she showed us their wedding pictures that were on the mantle.

Oh no, I'm running out of time and I am less than halfway through. Jenny, Magda, Laura, Linn, Sharon, Jill, and Melissa had plenty to say! More later, I s'pose.

See why I've given up on notes????
Have a wonderful weekend.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

WBA Expands to Aiken!

Wednesday, August 20 at Laura DiSano's lovely new home in Woodside Plantation in Aiken. (152 Bellewood Drive, to be exact) Since Woodside is a gated community dontchaknow, she'll need to give them a heads-up about visitors, so do let me know if you plan to go and if you have room in your car to bring someone - since Evans is the furthest we've ventured, WBA Augusta-wise.

Here's what Laura emailed me last week:

I am going to invite several women from here- the new superintendent of schools, a PH.D. in ichthyology turned dog behavioralist, an interior designer, a marketing technology entrepreneur. Maybe we can be expanding into Aiken .Organic growth- gotta love it. Give me a call -so we can discuss. Maybe you can provide a little history on the organization so we can inform the guests.

Talk to you soon- friend.

Some of us know the history of WBA: We started eight years ago as a networking group for professional women. Dr. Dorthe Peloquin was briefly a Financial Advisor at Smith Barney who started WBA, and when she left Smith Barney she asked me to continue the group. What started with a handful of people that met for dinner at Dorthe's home has morphed into an email distribution list of over 100 women. We meet once a month at someone's home for appetizers after work. "Someone" is whomever offers in the group! We actually started with lunch once a month at a restaurant, and after a few years began to intersperse lunch with happy hour, till someone offered to host. I can't remember who that is…was it Brenda Durant?

There is no agenda. There is no application process. There is no organizational structure. WBA is simply an email distribution list on my computer at work. The way we've grown is by invitation.

But, as we have all seen, much more has evolved.

We decided we liked the "nonstructural" nature of the group, but that we would all support each other's causes, as most of us have nonprofit organizations that we work for, either in our spare time or as vocations. And so we have. Then, Gail Patty's son had a terrible accident, and Carolyn Ziegler had a terrible fall. Rebecca Rogers' husband, Larry, had a terrible fall. We've buried our loved ones. We've rejoiced in good news together. We've rallied like no other group any of us have experienced. Is it impossibly corny to say, "this is what love looks like"?

We have a blog: We might have a web page in future, and a directory. Anybody interested in getting something started like that, let me know and we'll carve out some time to work on it.

As I was typing this email, I got this from Rebecca Rogers (a/k/a R2) (HALLELUJAH!):

Hello dear concerned friends: As I write this update Larry begins our 5th week in the Doctors Hospital ICU. I am very encouraged by my morning visit. Over the past several days we’ve had our ups-and-downs, or, more accurately, downs-and-ups. After a rough patch in the middle of the week (bleeding at the sites of his various tubes and a return to ventilator breathing and another blood transfusion) he has rallied round! He is becoming more alert and breathing on his own again for extended periods of time. He is responding to familiar voices, smiling and sometimes even trying to laugh (although it makes him cough). I read him the Bill Kirby Joke of the Day in the paper and that brought a smile to his face. So he is WAY more with-it than he’s been in the past 4 weeks. That does my heart good.

Thanks for your continued concern.
1:30 p.m. Addendum. More Good News! Larry is “sitting up” in the chair position in his hospital bed. Much more alert. His doctors plan to take him entirely off ventilator support and either put in a valve that will allow him to talk or, perhaps, take the trache out all together. Fingers crossed!


Isn't that something! I don't know if anyone has dropped anything off at their home, but the fridge in the garage is accessible if you have something you'd like to bring for Rebecca to eat (or drink!). 3353 Sugar Mill Road, off Pleasant Home Road.

Carolyn Ziegler is making unbelievable progress at home.

Gail Patty is getting back to work, finding care for Aiden, her precious son Casey's toddler, and Gabby is starting school next week.

It's good.

And when it's not, let me know and WBA'll work on that, best we can ;)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pickens Plan education

The Weekly Pickens

July 22, 2008

Hello from the Pickens Plan!

We've been busy. Very busy.

Since launching the Pickens Plan website just two weeks ago, over 150,000 people have joined our cause to help end America's addiction to foreign oil—and that's just the beginning.

On Tuesday, T. Boone Pickens testified about America's energy problems before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

Last week, we scored our first major victory when the state of Texas approved a massive new wind power project. You can read all about the monumental undertaking—including mention of the Pickens Plan—here.

In other news, ABC's Nightline visited Sweetwater, Texas with T. Boone to see what all the fuss was about. There they discovered that "In Sweetwater wind has changed the future, and led to an economic turnaround in a place best known for its annual rattlesnake roundup."

T. Boone also appeared on CBS This Morning, Lou Dobbs on CNN, and Fox News. And Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, declared: "To put it plainly, T. Boone Pickens is out to save America."

That's not all. T. Boone and the Pickens Plan were in the pages of USA Today, The Economist, the New York Times, Forbes, the Washington Post, and his hometown paper the Amarillo Globe-News. There were op-eds from T. Boone in the Wall Street Journal and New York Daily News.

Meanwhile, over on the Pickens Plan website, we've launched a new blog called The Daily Pickens. There you can find up-to-the-minute news of the Pickens Plan, along with video messages from T. Boone. If you haven't already, check out the Pickens Plan Community, where you can meet and interact with fellow Pickens Plan supporters.

Finally, this weekend Pickens Plan supporters across the country will be throwing house parties, where they will discuss alternative energy, local energy challenges, and how to work with the Pickens Plan campaign in order to achieve real-world solutions. To find a party near you—or to learn how to throw your own house party—click here.

Thank you for your support of the Pickens Plan. With your help, we can change America.

—Team Pickens

"Sometimes it takes a crisis to awaken us from our slumber. But once aroused, the American people can accomplish miracles." - T. Boone Pickens

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Thank you from

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Beatrice's goats

I'm not sure if you can access this NYT story, but it is compelling to me.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

You are invited to view Sandra's photo album: 1106 Cortez

1106 Cortez
Las Palomas Golf and Resort, Puerto Penasco, Mexico -
Jun 23, 2008
by Sandra
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Message from Sandra:
theese ees our condo, si? 60 miles from the arizona border
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Rebecca and Larry

Yahoo for Larry the rib knitter! And R2!

Sandy Vantrease
Financial Advisor

-----Original Message-----
From: rrogers []
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 2:01 PM
To: Vantrease, Sandra [GWM-SBPVTC]
Subject: RE: Larry Rogers

Thanks Sandy. As of this morning, Larry's status is "stable" and he is
about where his doctors expected him to be at this time: machine is
doing his breathing, chest fluid is draining and the kidneys seem to be
kicking back in a bit. He'll be on the Vent and totally out of it for
several more days while his ribs begin to knit and heal. Then it will
take several days to wean him off the ventilator I am told.

You're a rock
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Vantrease, Sandra "
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 10:12:59 -0400

>Rebecca, thanks for the update. Lordy mercy.
>I'm copying WBA. We are definitely holding both of you in our thoughts!

>What's your cell number? I'll share it with anyone who asks for it if
>you wish, or won't if you prefer not.
>Angel - HA! Ain't no way. But glad to spread the word. I do hope it's
>good to not feel alone.
>And WBA, she may be stressed, but she's grace under fire.
>Sandy Vantrease
>Financial Advisor
>-----Original Message-----
>From: rrogers []
>Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 10:07 AM
>To: Vantrease, Sandra [GWM-SBPVTC]
>Subject: Re: Larry Rogers
>Thank you so much for coming to the rescue yesterday. You are an angel.

>Here is a version of what's going on with Larry if you want to share it

>with others. I'm off the the hospital for the 11 a.m. visit.--warmly,
>Hello friends: By now some of you have heard that my husband Larry had
>a serious accident the afternoon of the Fourth. He has nine broken ribs

>on his right side and is in the ICU at Doctor's Hospital. Surgery
>performed last night to take fluid from his lung. He's on a ventilator
>since breathing on his own is too painful. Since several of you have
>called to offer support and ask what's going on, here's a short version

>of the gory details (and that's not a metaphor in this case!) While
>investigating a possible leak in our attic, he fell through the
>ceiling, hitting the joist as he plummeted down to the floor below.
>911 called. Ambulance ride to Doctor's ER. ICU admission. He was doing

>fairly well for the first day or two, but the broken ribs scraping on
>the lungs were causing internal oozing and bleeding. (I told you this
>was going to be gory.). Last night the surgeon removed, and I quote,
>"about two quarts of gook" from Larry's chest cavity. The blood and
>fluid loss has caused renal failure (kidneys) so they are watching that

>closely. If the kidneys don't rev back up, maybe dialysis. Larry will
>be in the ICU and on the Vent in a medically induced coma for several
>days. Thanks to all who've called. I'm doing OK myself, but tired and,
>needless to say, a bit stressed. Please hold us both in your thoughts.

>---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>From: "Vantrease, Sandra "
>Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 14:56:20 -0400
>>I learned today that Larry Rogers fell this weekend from his attic.
>>He's at Doctor's Hospital in ICU.
>>Rebecca Rogers is the director at the Augusta Canal. Larry is her
>>husband, onetime Augusta Coliseum director.
>>If you know of any news, please let me know. Or anything we can do.
>>Sandy Vantrease
>>Financial Advisor

Premiere Party, Anyone?

Premier is EXCITED to announce a new promotion!!!

Andy Horner is having a birthday on August 5th and to celebrate, he is giving a gift to all Hostesses!

Hostesses who have a Home Show with Total Retail Sales of at least $450 from July 19 through August 29 will receive 50% Hostess Benefits!

Yes, you read that correctly! I know those of you who have a show scheduled during this time period are jumping up and down right now! It really doesn't get any better than this promotion! 50% Hostess Benefits and NEW JEWELRY...what a GREAT combination.

Well, what are you waiting for? You know I LOVE to give away jewelry! And I LOVE to give away jewelry to the ladies who LOVE the jewelry. If you haven't heard from me by the weekend, GIVE ME A CALL!

Your Favorite Jewelry Lady,
Linda Henderson

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Carolyn Ziegler and the Patty/Leonard family

I saw Carolyn this afternoon at Select something-or-other, the "new" hospital in the 1500 block of Walton Way. She moved there on Independence Day, and she's exercising her freedom, more surely each day.

She is hearing, and she is responding. She's waved, she smiles in response, she can watch. Seems to me she's stuck inside a body she wants to control, inside a mind she wants to fine tune, but she's finding her way. She had a huge grin when I commented about how she would never have guessed that Dennis would be proving his love in this way, as he attended to her legs, rearranging her feet under the sheet and encouraging her to push her legs against a pillow. Before I left, I told Dennis that she had to be annoyed with being stuck in the hospital bed, and she nodded in agreement!

I haven't spoken to Gail since July 3rd, but Michelle had come to visit with the children, and that had gone well.

How thankful these families and their friends and caretakers are.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

July 16 at Barbara's

Fabulous! We'll save Pastel then. (Cheryl I just realized that we had
planned it at Pastel on that day but we'll save your location!) For
those who have been to Barb's, she has a lovely home on a lake off Evans
to Locks. The last time she hosted, we drifted onto the dock at sunset.

I'm copying WBA. Hey y'all - as I climbed onto an elliptical machine at
the Y this morning, who climbed next to me? None other than Barb!

So here's the word up on the Y: there's a great class at 8:30 in the
a.m. on Saturday, a Zumba and a yoga in the small room at 9:45 a.m., and
a fabulous weight class at 3 pm on Sunday.

I'm not sure which of the three I'll go to but I hope I see you at one
of them. (I've actually done all three but that's far from typical!)

Maybe I'll see you at the Bistro tonight...I'm on my way!

For market analysis, click here to go to the report on my website:

Sandy Vantrease
Financial Advisor

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Meeks []
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 4:38 PM
To: Vantrease, Sandra [GWM-SBPVTC]
Subject: Re: Yesterday all our troubles seemed so far away....

I can host July 16th at my house and save Pastel for another month.

Barbara Meeks RN, MSN, MBA
Vice President
Pediatric Patient Care Services
MCG Children's Medical Center
MCG Health, Inc.
Augusta, GA
(706) 721-5132 Fax (706) 721-7311

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or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you
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Yesterday all our troubles seemed so far away -

As we sat by the pool and shared stories.

I didn't get the Deborah's till around six as I was visiting with a client. My cell phone rang twice with questions from two different people asking for the locations of Deborah's house and when I got there….

Neither of them were there. But there weren't any cars in the front of her house, so it did look odd, till I spied Mary's red truck parked in the back by the pool.

Deborah's daughter directed me to the kitchen door. Deborah Klassen (the hostess), Mary Schroer, Karen Hill, Brenda Durant and Pat Moss were standing around the island in the kitchen. Deborah poured me a glass of wine, and before long we were joined by other latecomers: Sharon Johnston, Barb Meeks, Linda Henderson, and Sallie Metzel.

Great discussions and company. Thanks to Deborah for having us! There were three or four with suits under coverups, but no one ventured into the pool.

No one has offered to host for July yet. However, Cheryl has assured me that Pastel is always a backup.

Laura DiSano has suggested a directory of WBAers. Anyone interested in running with this?

Carolyn is apparently doing better, slowly. She's still in ICU but hopefully getting out next week.

Betts had offered to bring meals (for 4) on Saturday, the 21st.
Nancy on Monday the 23rd
Samm on Friday the 27th

As a reminder, their home number is 706-651-9067. Please call for times to drop off; Dennis is generally home after 6:30 pm. Their address is 3760 Evans to Locks Rd.

Happy Friday!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yesterday's Tomorrow post

I've heard from at least a third of our email distribution, and if you have responded, thank you so much. Despite the fact that we have more regrets than "I'd be delighted to accept" responses, we have a dozen who plan to be there, and several more who might.

Laurie Adams reminded me that I should remind you - Deborah's got a pool and you are welcome to swim if you so desire.

Yeses from Sharon, Mary, Marla, Karen, Barbara, Brenda, Laurie, Linnie, Susan and me. Maybes from Karin, Magda, Gail and Rebekah. Gail will bring Casey's children, Aiden and Gabby, if she has help with Casey. Magda and Rebekah have dinner plans to celebrate Rebekah's birthday (that's today, Happy Birthday Rebekah!!!) but I do hope they can stop by beforehand.

I got an update from Becky on Carolyn, below.

Thank you for letting me know you’re still praying. I know it’s what my mom needs most.
CAT scan: No change, really. It's a good possibility it will be 4 weeks before the clots go down.
Good Things:
-Fever 99.6 - only low grade
-ICP good - tube monitoring it in the middle of her brain probably can come out tomorrow
-Doctors were considering her "severe". Now considering her "moderate."
-Collar bone is cracked, not broken.
Doctors plan to insert a filter to prevent blood clots in veins/arteries going to heart/lungs/etc. - probably tomorrow.
She will be in ICU at least this week.
Neuro exam: She moves and opens eyes in response to pain. She is not following commands (it could be due to the fact the blood clot is in the communication area of the brain)

My dad was still hoping until today that my mom could go on the family vacation to Indiana planned for the middle of July. He is now realizing that probably won't happen and is bummed.

Please keep praying! I was really hoping she'd be responding more. It's so hard to wait.

Sandra Vantrease

from Karin Hill

Hi....take a look at these sun photos...what an amazing and creative capture.

Karen :-)
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Invite Karen Hill to chat

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Deborah Klassen offered her pool as a proxy for Kay's. Mark your calendar for her house on June 19, 2636 Walton Way, brick three story in the block of Walton Way toward ASU from Highland. As with Kay's invitation, bring your suit if you want to swim!

Thanks much to Cheryl who offered Pastel - she's going to host on July 16.

Sandra Vantrease
am sending you this again so you will go in my address book automatically, Thanks, Judy
Stay informed, get connected and more with AOL on your phone.
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Tues June 17 Southern Living pah tay

I'm hosting a Southern Living at Home show for my dear friend, Danita Ducey.

Please join me on Tuesday, June 17, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. at my home on 2908 Pointe West Drive

Come join us for a relaxing evening of fun, food, and fellowship. Feel free to bring a friend or two!

RSVP by Sunday, June 15th so that I can plan for refreshments!

Looking forward to seeing you on the 17th,

Linda Henderson

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wine tasting May 20 2008

Sorry for the delay regarding subject for May 20th tasting at the Partridge Inn. Eric has chosen Rose's and light reds for this one. The list is varied including French Rose, Argentina Rose of Malbec, Oregon PN, a Gamy, and a Cote de Beaune Rouge.

Eric and Duane will give us history on the grapes, details on the growing areas and producers and there were be food samples paired with these delicious wines. It is informal and we encourage you to participate with questions.

We look forward to seeing those of you who attended the first session and we encourage more of you to join us, as we are beging our 'Partridge Inn Wine Club'. Please let us know if you have friends who might like to be included in our e-mails. We are still meeting to finalize the details, events, and specials for this new concept at the Partridge Inn.

The event begins at 6pm in the Champions Room and we will conclude between 7:30 and 8:00. The charge is only $15.00.

For reservations, call Donna at 706-724-1442 or respond by e-mail to

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

many women in this post

Just a few words for WBA this morn. Girl power indeed.

- Mary Schroer's been quite diligent with Gail Patty's family support, and we can all benefit from knowing what she and her dear husband Tim do weekly. They bring dinner. Last week, they brought chili and beer. This week, chicken enchiladas and chips and frozen popsicles for the kids. What a ministry! We could all do so well. I'm going to make some time this week. Thanks, Mary!

- And Deborah Klasser's hosting next week! Come one, come all to her fabulous home at 2636 Walton Way on Thursday, May 22 at 5 ish, and bring wine and/or snacks if it's convenient. Let me know if you can come.

- Betty Tucker, who hasn't come to WBA yet but keeps up with our activities via the numerous and hopefully not-too-annoying emails (remember, just let me know!), has headed up COGS for over ten years, a ministry of Church of the Good Shepherd that monthly donates time to a charity. This Saturday, COGS is meeting at Aroma coffeeshop at Surrey Center (formerly PJ's, now defunct) at 8:30 a.m. and then convening to St. Stephen's Ministry, a shelter for HIV positive clients, at 922 Greene Street to help with various projects, including painting. No need to be a member of Good Shepherd to join in the fun. Any time you can give is appreciated. She estimates 9 till 12 is the entire commitment. Call Betty at 706-738-4755 or email her (copied above) if you can come. I'm going - let me know too.

- Kay Lasser has somehow dropped off the WBA list and she has offered to host in June on Tuesday the 24th, a pool party at her house on Bransford Rd. Bring your suit! and wine and snack if you can.

- And lastly: Mary and Tim have been attending the Cotton Ball for three years now and she has sung it's praises each year. Finally I went! What a lovely event. You've missed it this year if you weren't there - and WBAers Magda Newland, Mary Schroer, Karin Gillespie, Kay Lasser and I were there (I've surely left someone out….please ring in if I have). This event supports Historic Augusta and it's on my calendar now! Jean Chadwick is the membership chair for Historic Augusta; if you'd like to be a member, email her (I've copied her above). Jean, call or email me if you are wondering what WBA is and/or want to come to our "gatherings" - you, too, can be a WBAer ;)

Sandra Vantrease
Financial Advisor
Investment Management Specialist Financial Planning Specialist

706-823-8110 800-241-2401 706-722-2410 (fax)
One Tenth Street Suite 600, Augusta, GA 30901
for up to date reports or to view your accounts, visit my website:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Premiere Party, Anyone?

My May 2008 Premier Designs Special of the Month is the new Wild Thing bracelet! This is a tubular bangle bracelet of translucent amber lucite accented within by brown and cream swirls. The Wild Thing bracelet is very lightweight and is 8-1/4" in diameter. It was introduced this year in the Spring / Summer 2008 collection. Wear it alone or stack it with other bangle bracelets. It is also fun to wear three of these at one time! Ladies, this is a year-round item to add to your jewelry wardrobe. The Wild Thing bracelet retails for $18, but during this special is only $9 with a $40 purchase in May.

Haven't seen the new collection? Give me a call to schedule your private show!

Your Jewelry Lady,
Linda Henderson
706-737-3075 - home
706-830-3408 - cell

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Summerville crime: a meeting

Subject: Meeting set with Sheriff Ronnie Strength
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 15:37:50 -0400

Greetings Neighbors!

The Summerville Neighborhood Association Board of Directors will hold an informative meeting to discuss the recent escalation of crime in our area on thursday evening, the 15th of May, 7:00 p.m. at the Partridge Inn. Our guest will be Richmond County Sheriff Ronnie Strength who will be there to answer questions, inform us of what's been going on regarding burglaries, etc. and give us advice on what we all can do about this problem. This is our regular board meeting time and other issues may have to take a back seat to this important topic. Other information can travel around informally by e-mail, if needed, afterwards. If you have an friend or neighbor who has been a victim of one of these crimes and wishes to attend, please bring them along. I look forward to seeing you all there at this most important meeting.

Ginger Nicholson


and now, a forward that is neither religious nor political! it's a vegetable forward ;)

For market analysis, click here to go to the report on my website:

Sandy Vantrease
Financial Advisor

Hey Everybody:

Thanks for your purchase in past years. The vidalia onions are in this year - same price as last year ... $20 for a 25 pound bag. The proceeds benefit 20 area non-profit charities ... if interested, you can pay in cash or check (payable to Uptown Kiwanis Club).

Please call or e-mail me if you are interested. Thanks in advance.

David Henderson, CHE, MBA
University Hospital
1350 Walton Way
Augusta, GA 30901
Phone: 706-828-2454
Fax: 706-828-2490
When Gail and I talked this morning, we discussed Casey and his children and his wife. When I asked her how she was managing, she asked me if I'd read this - she'd sent it earlier but didn't get through my firewalls at the Smith Barney e-fortress.

Thought you would find it interesting.

For market analysis, click here to go to the report on my website:

Sandy Vantrease
Financial Advisor
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 11:44 AM
To: Vantrease, Sandra [GWM-SBPVTC]
Subject: Fwd: Laura Black

This is the email from the young mother with cancer I told you about on the phone this a.m.
I found her message and testimony one of the most compelling I have ever read/heard/seen.
Pass it on if you wish and please pray for her.

-----Original Message-----
From: michele barfield
To: gail patty
Sent: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:11 am

Gail--Laura is a friend of my daughter-in-law, Kerri. You were ever-present in my mind, as was Casey, when I read this. . .oftentimes we simply need to be "refreshed" . Love, Michele
Lynn and Kim-
Hey! This is the e-mail from Laura Black that I was telling you about. She is 32 or 33 years old and has 3 young children. Laura had breast cancer while pregnant with her third child and was cured. Now it has come back in both lungs. Without God’s intervention, she probably has two years to live. You can see by reading her e-mail what an amazing perspective she has on her circumstances. Katherine

From: Laura Black
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:53:01 PM
So far so good. I’ve started taking the Tamoxifin instead of the Femara. It’s making me really tired, but other than that, no side effects. Is it working? I hope so! I won’t know until June 12th. My next CT scan is scheduled for June 11th, the day after my Dad’s 60th birthday. Wonder what he’ll be wishing for when he blows out the candles this year… maybe a convertible?

Today, one of my friends asked me to share the gospel in one of my emails. At first I was reluctant. It’s really funny because writing usually comes so easily for me. But how do you write about the most important parts of your being? Are there any words for that? Whatever I write, I know will be trivial and inadequate. My fear keeps me from sharing because I just feel like there’s no way to explain what my relationship with Christ means to me. And after all, I’m sharing so many things that God is doing in my life right now. Isn’t that enough?

Then I opened up my TableTalk for today. (I know, I know… It all comes back to TableTalk!) It said, and I quote, “The distinction between witnessing and evangelism is important because it is easy to think we are evangelizing when all we are doing is bearing witness to the Savior… Testifying to the work of God in our lives bears witness to what Christ has done for us; it does not by itself give the content of the Gospel…”

So with trembling hands, an untrained mind, but a trusting and prayerful heart, here goes…

The story of salvation is really quite simple (and at the same time, the description I’m about to give is grossly inadequate). First there was God. God created man without sin. Satan tempted man and man sinned. Man tried to cover his sin by hiding behind leaves – a plant sacrifice. That was not sufficient. Once man enters a sinful state there is a separation between him or her and God that can only be closed by a sacrifice that costs something. So God killed animals and gave Adam and Eve the animal skins to cover their sin. That begins the “crimson thread” that runs throughout the Bible. The continuous pattern throughout the Bible is man sinning and thus falling out of relationship with a Holy God who can not be reconciled with sinful man. So how can man enter into a relationship with God? In order to come back into relationship with God, a blood sacrifice is required.

Then God sent His Son to earth -- His holy, perfect Son who was without sin. When Christ died, all of the sins of man were laid upon Him. His blood covered all of our sins. That’s why we no longer perform animal sacrifices. There is no need. Christ’s sacrifice covered the sins of man. Christ bridged the gap between sinful man and a Holy God. Christ created a way for man to get to God. That is the story of salvation, but that is not salvation. Salvation is not knowledge of Christ. Salvation is not knowing that Christ is God’s son. Salvation is relational. I know George Bush. I know he is the President of the United States . I know who his parents are. I know who his children are. But I have no relationship with George Bush. If you asked George Bush if he knew me, his answer would be, “no” even though I know who he is.

The same is true of God. Having a relationship with Christ is not about knowing about Christ. It’s not about saying that you believe that Christ is Lord. It’s about making Him Lord over your life. It’s about letting your actions show that He is the Lord over your life. Not because those actions are what save you. No, salvation is a free gift from the Lord. But because you want to do those actions because you are so in love with the Lord. It’s about the end of you and the beginning of something far greater than you. It’s about a hunger to know Him better so that you can be in fellowship with Him. It’s seeing his rules and laws as a beautiful path for your life rather than as restrictions to be followed. It’s knowing that God is good even when life stinks. It’s believing that God has a purpose for your life even when you see none. It’s hope when there is none. It’s light in the midst of darkness. It’s joy in the midst of pain. It’s contentment in the midst of need. It’s trust in the midst of fear. It’s life in the midst of death. It’s everything. It’s every breath you breathe in. It’s every cell in your body calling out to Him. It’s primal. It’s enlightened. It’s truth. It’s trust. It’s a reason for waking up in the morning. It’s comfort when you sleep at night. It’s a rock. It’s a fortress. It’s not a way of life. It is life.

On a more personal note, a relationship with Christ is peace in the midst of cancer. It’s asking for a miracle when medicine has none. It’s trusting that I’m going to be okay if that miracle never comes. It’s trusting that my husband is going to be okay if that miracle never comes. It’s trusting that my children are going to be okay if that miracle never comes. It’s knowing that my children were God’s before they were mine and will be God’s after they are mine. It’s praying for a cure, but trusting in my God. It’s hope in the shadow of the valley of death, and joy in the shadow of Heaven’s gates. It’s the moments when terror is replaced with tranquility. It’s the moments when tears are replaced with smiles. It’s the moments when anger is replaced with love. It’s the moments when doubt is replaced with faith. It’s the moments when darkness is turned into light. It’s the moments when tiredness is replaced with energy. It’s the moments when I feel privileged to be in this position. It’s the moments when I thank God that when He had a job to do, he thought of me. It’s the moments when I sing a praise song that I haven’t thought about in years. It’s the moments when my house is filled with laughter. It’s the moments when I’d rather be in this place than anywhere else in the world. It’s the moments when I rejoice because even cancer has to bow to the feet of Christ. It’s the moments that I am glad because God has given me a ministry that I never thought I would have. It’s the moments when I know, that I know, that I know that ALL things work together for good for those that love the Lord. It’s the moments like this one, right now, where I do something that I never thought I could because His strength is made perfect in my weakness.

It’s the relationship that I hope everyone that is reading this has. And if you don’t, it would be my great privilege to pray with you so that you as you enter into that kind of relationship with Christ. My email address and I would love to give you a call and pray with you. I don’t have all the answers, or even most of them. But I do have connections with people that understand the Gospel far better than I and they would love to answer any questions you might have.

For His Glory,

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 4:02:30 PM
To: 'Greater Augusta Arts Council'
Subject: FW: WRHS Sculpture Dedication Ceremony
Auto forwarded by a Rule

You Are Invited to The

Dedication of “Healing Patience”

May 8th at 4:30 PM

at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital Campus

(13th St. & Independence Drive)

A special tribute to Walton’s Healing Professionals

By renowned metal sculptor Thomas Lyles

Commissioned by Walton Rehabilitation Health System

Reception immediately following ceremony.

Thanks for all that you do for our community,

Magalie Jennemann CAP
Executive Assistant, Administration
Walton Rehabilitation Health System, Inc.
1355 Independence Drive
Augusta, GA 30901
Office: (706) 823-8505
FAX: (706) 823-8681

Monday, April 21, 2008

Laurie's Art Web Site

Just posting my new website.....what fun!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

711 Aumond Rd.

asked Gail what we could do, and of course she said "nothing you aren't already doing."

We hold the entire family in our hearts.

I'll find out if they can use some home cooking.

Subject: Casey April 13th

Dear Friends and Family,

Casey is returning home (my house) tomorrow. His physicians at MCG have ordered in-home hospice care for him.

My precious son just can't seem to get over the horrible infections brought on by his bedsores. The worst sore has penetrated his spine and the infection has established itself in his bones. The antibiotics he's been given have become ineffective because the infections have become resistant to any drug...even the strongest available. I was told today that his prognosis is not good, that his body is just worn out, and that he doesn't have enough white blood cells to fight another infection when it "blossoms"...and which it surely will.

Inexplicably, his wife Michelle informed me today (knowing of Casey's dire condition) that she is taking the children and is going to travel to New York to spend a few weeks with her sister, leaving tomorrow. Needless to say, I was initially stunned and am now extremely disappointed that she would elect to do this now. I have begged her not to leave.

Please pray for us all...especially for Casey. If God wants him, I am willing to let him go. I just want my boy to be at peace and free of pain. He has endured so much.

Thank you for all you have done (and continue to do for Casey) throughout this journey.

With love,

Vantrease, Sandra

show details 3:17 PM (16 hours ago)


I just called Gail and she was at the hospital in the midst of moving
Casey to their home.

Rather than schedule as we did in the past, I suggest dropping food off
at her house as you can. She said they would be grateful for anything
beginning tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll send an email if she is inundated
and we need to stop bringing food.

If you plan to bring something, try to let me know. That said, next week
I'll be out for a week starting on Wednesday.

For market analysis, click here to go to the report on my website:

Sandy Vantrease
Financial Advisor

Juveline Diabetes walk

Support Linda Henderson in the 2008 Walk to Cure Diabetes

Hello Friends and Family!

I'm writing to you to ask for your support in a very special cause.

This year, I'll be taking part in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's Walk to Cure Diabetes along with a half-million other walkers across the country. Our goal: To raise $100 million to help fund research for a cure for type 1 diabetes and its complications.

Type 1, or juvenile, diabetes, is a devastating, often deadly disease that affects millions of people--a large and growing percentage of them children.

Many people think type 1 diabetes can be controlled by insulin. While insulin does keep people with type 1 diabetes alive, it is NOT a cure. Aside from the daily challenges of living with type 1 diabetes, there are many severe, often fatal, complications caused by the disease.

That's the bad news... and yes, it's pretty bad.

The good news, though, is that a cure for type 1 diabetes is within reach. In fact, JDRF funding and leadership is associated with most major scientific breakthroughs in type 1 diabetes research to date. And JDRF funds a major portion of all type 1 diabetes research worldwide, more than any other charity.

I'm writing to ask for your support because now more than ever, EACH of us can be a part of bringing about a cure. Each of us can make a real difference

Won't you please give to JDRF as generously as you're able?

The Augusta Walk will be Saturday, April 26, 2008, at Riverwalk. The Premier Designs Jewelry Ladies are ready, willing, and able to help raise money to find a cure. Together, we can make the cure a reality.

Thank you,

Linda Henderson

Please visit my Walk Web page if you would like to donate online or see how close I am to reaching my personal goal:

Follow this link to make a donation:
© 2008 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Masters request

My cousin, Suzy, went to Mercer in the 70s, while I was in Athens. She sent me this email request from her college roommate, Regina Work:

> ----------
> Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 9:40:13 AM
> To: Vantrease, Sandra [GWM-SBPVTC]
> Subject: FW: Check out my mom on page E11 of the Boston Globe Sport Page!!
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Hi Sandy - my college roommate generated this email. Her mother is a Masters regular as you and see by the newspaper articles. Do you or David know members of Augusta National Golf Club that could get her in for a tour??


From: Regina Work []
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 9:26 AM
To: Debby Barbo;; Louise Adams; Annie; Dick Barbo; Jess Boose; Jeanie Botsivales; Alice Boyle; todd boyle; Frank Brignoli; Rob Brindell; Vickie Burke Majewski; cindy; Bill Ciocca; DanaBanks; Denise; Layne Dunwody; Doug Dunwody; Kristy Edwards; Joan Eichhorn; Eleanor; Janice Estabrook; Fran; Kim Froud; Suzanne Fugate; Suzanne Fugate; margaret grant; Janet Taylor Hall; cindy harrington; Tina Hills; SHaron Hirsch; Chris hissam; jean INCUTTO; Tracy Jones; nasrin karamouz; Marianne Kelly; Henry Koplin; Louise Lorenzo;; sharon magaliff; MaryGrace; donna mcgrath; Joan Miller;; David Morgan; Kathy Mulroy; Beth Robertson; Anne Saunders; Colleen Scroczenski; Paul Stagner; kimberly stagner; Melissa Stang;;; Val Matthews Watkins; Tom Nelson; Nancy Nelson
Subject: Check out my mom on page E11 of the Boston Globe Sport Page!!

okay so maybe I'm just a little proud of her! This is your link to the article in Today's Boston Globe, if you've no way to pick up the paper you can read it here, although it won't have her beautiful picture, Also, below it is her article in the Sunday edition of the Cape Cod Times(two nice pics in that one), and look for her in a upcoming story in Golf Week...can you imagine at 86 after sitting in your bedroom all winter long and watching every sports show known to mankind on TV how exciting this must be? My heart is very full today. I don't suppose any of you know a member of Augusta National, my whole goal was to get her into that clubhouse for a tour after all these years (yes, I know, she and everyone else) me 508-776-9848!


Saturday, April 5, 2008

from donna whaley

The most beautiful rainbow

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that
wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You
will have your heart broken probably more than once and
it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so
remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight
with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things
an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast,
and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too
many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never
been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset
is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be
afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

magda's on thursday

Again, I don't have notes, though I'll try to give you an idea of last night at Magda's WBA host. If you were there too, please add to my commentary!

The interesting thing about WBA is that it's not boring. Or stuffy. And the group size changes. People have wondered if we are getting too big, that sometimes there are too many people. Not last night. It was a perfectly manageable group: Laurie Adams, Karin Gillespie, Pat Tante, Susan Bly, Donna Whaley, Linda Henderson, Mary Schroer, Rebekah Wilson, Jenny Roddy. Pat Moss came for her second time, and BJ Lester her first.

Pat's working with Karen Hill on a sacred journey to Santa Fe, New Mexico, in May. Karen couldn't come to Magda's because she's on a cruise now - poor baby!

Laurie's prepping for an art show in Charleston (well, Summerville) and she's also got a big ballet event tonight. Pat's a therapist in marriage and family and individual counseling. BJ's a former teacher, which doesn't begin to describe how lovely she is.

By around seven, after a few people had come and gone, the rest of us were in Magda's sunroom and the talk turned to Auction Rate Securities, Bear Sterns, feminism, racism, sex and power, and politics - presidential, congressional, and personal. We are friends, and we are comfortable in talking to each other about these things - even though sometimes, the friendships are brand new.

Now don't you wish you were there?

Next month will be at Karen Hill's on April 24. Sadly, I'll be out of town - jot down your impressions and I'll circulate them when I return.

Sale for Masters at Pastel on Central!

Pastel on Central is having a sale to help with last minute fluffing for Masters and just because it's Spring!! For one week only, lot's of great stuff on sale throughout the store including a new shipment of those fabulous outdoor rugs!!! Made from recycled plastic, they are the ultimate earth-friendly home accessory for an instant touch of spring color for your porch, deck, kitchen or bath.

All lamps are 30% off plus lots of home and garden accents.

Come in for a visit and, as always, we look forward to seeing you soon!!

Cheryl and the Pastel staff

Don't forget to visit all the cool shops in Midtown when you in the neighborhood!!

Sacred Heart Garden Festival

Historic Sacred Heart Cultural Center in downtown Augusta, Georgia, will be the focus for classic southern gardening during its 17th Annual Garden Festival. Enjoy exhibits, lectures, entertainment, children's activities, vendors and tour private gardens.

1-Day Sacred Heart- $15
Garden Tour-$20
3-Day Pass-$50 (Includes Festival and Tour)
Children Under 12-$5
Garden Tea-$100
Preview Party-$75
(Reservations Required for Preview Party and Garden Tea)

The Partridge Inn in historic Augusta is offering a special packaging for Garden Festival visitors. Please visit

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Greater Augusta Arts Council news:

-----Original Message-----
From: Brenda []
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 2:34 PM
To: 'Greater Augusta Arts Council'
Subject: FW: Press Release Arts Weekly-B Durant

Press Release

Greater Augusta Arts Council receives donation of ½ hour radio show “Arts Weekly”.

Contact Information:

Brenda Durant

Greater Augusta Arts Council

P.O. Box 1776, Sacred Heart Cultural Center


Augusta, GA –. Perry Broadcasting Donates ½ hour Arts Radio Show to the Greater Augusta Arts Council

Starting March 15th there will be a new radio show in town, thanks to the generosity of Perry Broadcasting. Brenda Durant of the Greater Augusta Arts Council will host “Arts Weekly” a ½ hour radio show dedicated to Arts and Entertainment in Augusta and the CSRA.

Arts Weekly will air on WAEG-FM, Smooth Jazz 92.3 on Saturday mornings from 9:30-10am right before the Kenny G show. Brenda Durant will give tips for events to attend that day, but the focus will be on upcoming events, leaving listeners time to plan for their off hours. A special guest will be interviewed each week, introducing artists and pulling back the curtain for a behind the scenes look on how local events are organized and produced. Mr. Steven Kendrick, an Arts Council Board Member will co-host the inaugural shows, lending another perspective to the program and bringing in the interests of a father of young teens, looking for family centered entertainment.

Perry Broadcasting estimates this donation exceeds $60,000year, guaranteeing 52 weeks of local arts programming to the community.

You work hard…. let us make your playin’…easy Arts Weekly…Smooth Jazz 92.3

For more information contact Brenda Durant @ 706-826-4702 x 1 or, or Velvet Perry , Vice President, Perry Broadcasting 803-279-2330


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Art Patchin event on March 20

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Kendrick []
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 6:42 AM
To: Vantrease, Sandra [GWM-SBPVTC]
Subject: Re: March at Magda's!

good morning, will you remind people of ArtPatchin tickets. It will be
a fun event, and for a good cause,March 20th 6:oo to 8:30. I'll be at
the bistro tonight to visit and sell. thanks lisa....

Friday, March 7, 2008

March 27 at Magdas!

We've set a date. Mark your calendar for March 27, a Thursday, at 3016 Cardinal Drive, which is between Park Avenue and Wrightsboro Road, near Karin Gillespie's house on Buena Vista.

(Rebekah, we changed the date you thought it was, due to a conflict with another WBA event, a CA bi (Carol Anderson by invitation) fashion show at Linda Henderson's house on March 19 at 6:30 pm. I've emailed an invitation earlier, but if you are interested in a mailed invitation, let her know - - I got my invitation and there are some very very cool clothes.)

Sandra Vantrease
Financial Advisor
Investment Management Specialist Financial Planning Specialist

706-823-8110 800-241-2401 706-722-2410 (fax)
One Tenth Street Suite 600, Augusta, GA 30901
for up to date reports or to view your accounts, visit my website:

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

wise words, courtesy of carolyn

-----Original Message-----
From: Tynan, Carolyn C. []
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 10:34 AM
To: Vantrease, Sandra [GWM-SBPVTC];; Bunny Garcia
Subject: Exceptional Tips

40 Tips for an Exceptional, Superb & Powerful Life

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day and while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

3. Buy a TiVo (DVR), tape your late night shows and get more sleep.

4. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My purpose is to__________ today.'

5. Live with the 3 Es - Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy, and the 3 Fs - Faith, Family, Friends.

6. Watch more G movies, play more games with friends and read more books than you did in 2007.

7. Make time to practice meditation and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.

8. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of six.

9. Dream more while you are awake.

10 Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less foods that are manufactured in plants.

11. Drink some green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, seafood, broccoli, almonds & walnuts.

12. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

13. Clear your clutter from your house, your car, and your desk and let new energy into your life.

14. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead, invest your energy in the positive present moment.

15. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn and pass all your tests. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

16. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

17. Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energy vampires away.

18. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

20. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

21. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

22. Make peace with your past, so it won't mess up the present.

23. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

24. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Forgive everyone for everything.

28. What other people think of you is none of your business.

29. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.

30. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

33. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

34. The best is yet to come.

35. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

36. Do the right thing!

37. Call your family often.

38. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: 'I am thankful for __________.' 'Today I accomplished _________.'

39. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

40. Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast pass. Make the most of it and enjoy the ride.

Monday, March 3, 2008

casey leonard:

I've added several names to the WBA email list lately, and I know some of the newbies don't know Gail and Casey's story.

Gail has hosted numerous times at her home, and WBA supports her, her son Casey, their family in Casey's recuperation from an accident last May.

I'll call Gail and see if there's anything she needs from us. I'm sure she'll wish for our continued good thoughts and prayers. Anything else, I'll let you know.

Reminder that our blog is A few can't access it, so I'm email this update from Gail on Casey, below.

For market analysis, click here to go to the report on my website:

Subject: Casey Update- March 3rd

Dear Friends and Family,

Casey has been hospitalized at MCG for nearly a month. Today, his physician gave me some good news, and some not-so-good news.

The not-so-good news is that Casey has developed a bone infection from his bedsores. In addition, he was diagnosed yesterday with a fungus in his blood. This means a new round of stronger antibiotics.

The good news is that the medical team has finally managed to stabilize his electrolytes. His low sodium levels were creating potentially life-threatening problems, but with the right mix of medications, he should be okay going forward.

His doctors are also thinking about administering botox injections to help with the spasticity in his legs. I'll know later this week when a decision is made by the internal medicine and neurology teams.

The doctor was pretty blunt today. He feels that Casey isn't really sick enough to be in a hospital, but is too sick to be cared for at home. He still needs intravenous meds, aggressive wound care, and physical therapy in addition to custodial care. They want him placed in a nursing home until his health stabilizes. This worries my heart because I'm afraid that if Casey is placed in a nursing home, he may never come out. There is also the problem of no locally-available nursing home beds, especially for a young, male Medicaid patient. I am asking for God's help on this, although I'm not quite sure what to ask for. I don't want Casey in a nursing home, but I do want him to receive the best possible care he can get. I want my son back home with me and on the road to recovery.

This stay in the hospital has taken a toll on Casey. He is very lethargic and isn't near as responsive as he was just three weeks ago. I could hardly get him to talk to me last night. Usually, mention of his children gets a response, but he just didn't seem to have his heart in conversation on any level.

Please pray for God's will for Casey as we face these most recent developments. Last Wednesday's "Loaves of Faith" Bible passage gives me hope in this time of trouble. These troubles and sufferings of ours are, after all, quite small and won't last very long. Yet this short time of distress will result in God's richest blessing upon us forever and ever! 2 Corinthians 4:17.

Love to all,

Gail sent this

i have seen this before; you may have too. still, watch it again. it's worth repeating, because remembering what's important is sometimes obscured by what's immediate.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hooray for Sandy

Good work on the notes.....I wish more people could/would utilize the blog but I understand it's foreign or inaccessible territory for many folks.

Thanks for the Home and Garden Show mention. It's a LOT of setting up an entire store for the weekend. But, I'm committed!!

See you soon.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Noteless at Lisa's: Feb 27

Well, I had to leave early. I got to Lisa's right around five, left at six. But I came back before seven and left after eight. So there are decided holes in this story. But I'll give it a go:

Lisa and her mom, Gloria, were there, setting out vituals and a beverage service in the living room. The makins for a very nice time were in process, and so it followed:

When I got out of my car and headed for her house, Linnie called to me from her car; she was waiting aboard, unsure of which home to enter.

Let's see: Jeinnie (I've corrupted the spelling but it is not a usual one) Avera, Susan Gillespie, and Vickie Greene were among the first to arrive. Jeinnie and I discussed titanium hips, since we each intimately know someone who's had new ones recently.

Several exceptional appetizers included Gloria's famous chicken salad and a fabulous platter of very special TakoSushi sushi. mmmmm.... oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't give Sandra Fenstermacher and ? her friend - someone help with the name please - credit for a spectacular prosciutto-wrapped pear and goat cheese appetizer they had prepared, but alas, did not get to share, as they both had, sadly, a funeral to attend.

Can you say girlfriends?

Vickie had somewhere to go at six, and so did Linnie and I. Donna came in with the famed Rotel Queso dip ingredients, and she got to work assembling that. Nancy came in soon thereafter. Friends of Lisa whom I hadn't met were there too; I sure hope she gives me their email addresses so that they can join the ranks of the ever-growing, elusive distribution list. Elusive, because my firewalls at work are tricky, and sometimes names are mysteriously deleted.

Linnie and I discussed Mexico as we left together. I came back, as I had hoped, and there were so many who had come in my absence.

I made my way past the kitchen to the living room, and introduced myself to a woman I hadn't met. Seems her name is Karen Royston, and she lives in Athens. A friend of Lisa's from Hilton Head, she is staying at the Partridge Inn and Lisa encouraged her to come to WBA. "I'm not crashing a party..." was her sensible reply. But she came, perhaps reluctantly, upon Lisa's assurance that this is one to crash. Lucky for me. She and I might have had more old friends in common than anyone else there. Once we established 30-some-year connections, however removed from actually knowing each other, we went on to realize that my Rotary club has been attempting to develop a relationship with her coworkers in Augusta, as she is a regional director at Vocational Rehab, part of the GA Dept of Labor. Coincidences galore.

Magda was there when I had returned, and so was Pat Tante, and many others. Cheryl Grace brought some copies of Karin Gillespie's latest novel, "Earthly Pleasures," since Karin is in Atlanta tonight.

Oh, Karen Hill's business partner, Pat Moss, came, with flyers about the Sacred Journey to Santa Fe they are planning for May. Which reminds me that Laurie Adams wasn't there because she was preparing for the Home and Garden show this weekend. Go see her at the Civic Center, and be ready to get some killer mosaics from the California contingent of WBA in Augusta.

And who came in near the end? What ho, Mercutio: Jenny Roddy! She'd been in a meeting till after six and thought she'd do a drive-by, go home if no cars, but oh yes, WBA was in full swing.

Karen from Athens asked about good restaurants in Augusta, so we filled her ear. Of course Bistro was the first name, but not the only one.

Donna from the 9th Street Wine Market was there, and so was Dennis' fiancee Joyce They are added to the list!

Several emailed me their regrets due to ill health, and we wish their recuperations speedy. Several couldn't come for conflicts, or obligations. This WBA bidness is decidedly an indulgence. We missed you if you weren't there, we hope you had fun if you were. and -

Thank you, Lisa, for a lovely evening.

Please, if you were there, I entreat you to comment on this haphazard recollection with your own experiences and impressions.

Next time might be at Magda's. We'll let you know.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hi all,

Looks like I wrote another book, for heaven sakes. It's called EARTHLY PLEASURES and Publishers Weekly describes it best:

Appealingly unorthodox... a heaven where angels lust, drink and follow terrestrial celebrity gossip… A tangled story of cold ambition and true love unspools. Neches’s funny and sweet novel shows that to err is human and angelic as well."

It's a about a greeter in Heaven who falls in love with a mortal on Earth and its written under the pen name Karen Neches (which just so happens to be my married name.)

I'll be at Pastel Central (2120 Central Avenue) on February 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. for a wine and cheese reception . Another wine and cheese reception will also be at the Bookstall in Aiken (413 Hayne Ave) on Feb. 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. and a book-signing will take place at Borders on February 9 from 1 to 3 p.m.

Hope to see you there. There's a pretty invitation attached and come visit me at my new web site. You can read the first chapter at my site.

Please pass on to anyone who you think might be interested.

