Sunday, March 30, 2008

magda's on thursday

Again, I don't have notes, though I'll try to give you an idea of last night at Magda's WBA host. If you were there too, please add to my commentary!

The interesting thing about WBA is that it's not boring. Or stuffy. And the group size changes. People have wondered if we are getting too big, that sometimes there are too many people. Not last night. It was a perfectly manageable group: Laurie Adams, Karin Gillespie, Pat Tante, Susan Bly, Donna Whaley, Linda Henderson, Mary Schroer, Rebekah Wilson, Jenny Roddy. Pat Moss came for her second time, and BJ Lester her first.

Pat's working with Karen Hill on a sacred journey to Santa Fe, New Mexico, in May. Karen couldn't come to Magda's because she's on a cruise now - poor baby!

Laurie's prepping for an art show in Charleston (well, Summerville) and she's also got a big ballet event tonight. Pat's a therapist in marriage and family and individual counseling. BJ's a former teacher, which doesn't begin to describe how lovely she is.

By around seven, after a few people had come and gone, the rest of us were in Magda's sunroom and the talk turned to Auction Rate Securities, Bear Sterns, feminism, racism, sex and power, and politics - presidential, congressional, and personal. We are friends, and we are comfortable in talking to each other about these things - even though sometimes, the friendships are brand new.

Now don't you wish you were there?

Next month will be at Karen Hill's on April 24. Sadly, I'll be out of town - jot down your impressions and I'll circulate them when I return.

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