Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yesterday's Tomorrow post

I've heard from at least a third of our email distribution, and if you have responded, thank you so much. Despite the fact that we have more regrets than "I'd be delighted to accept" responses, we have a dozen who plan to be there, and several more who might.

Laurie Adams reminded me that I should remind you - Deborah's got a pool and you are welcome to swim if you so desire.

Yeses from Sharon, Mary, Marla, Karen, Barbara, Brenda, Laurie, Linnie, Susan and me. Maybes from Karin, Magda, Gail and Rebekah. Gail will bring Casey's children, Aiden and Gabby, if she has help with Casey. Magda and Rebekah have dinner plans to celebrate Rebekah's birthday (that's today, Happy Birthday Rebekah!!!) but I do hope they can stop by beforehand.

I got an update from Becky on Carolyn, below.

Thank you for letting me know you’re still praying. I know it’s what my mom needs most.
CAT scan: No change, really. It's a good possibility it will be 4 weeks before the clots go down.
Good Things:
-Fever 99.6 - only low grade
-ICP good - tube monitoring it in the middle of her brain probably can come out tomorrow
-Doctors were considering her "severe". Now considering her "moderate."
-Collar bone is cracked, not broken.
Doctors plan to insert a filter to prevent blood clots in veins/arteries going to heart/lungs/etc. - probably tomorrow.
She will be in ICU at least this week.
Neuro exam: She moves and opens eyes in response to pain. She is not following commands (it could be due to the fact the blood clot is in the communication area of the brain)

My dad was still hoping until today that my mom could go on the family vacation to Indiana planned for the middle of July. He is now realizing that probably won't happen and is bummed.

Please keep praying! I was really hoping she'd be responding more. It's so hard to wait.

Sandra Vantrease

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