Saturday, July 12, 2008

Rebecca and Larry

Yahoo for Larry the rib knitter! And R2!

Sandy Vantrease
Financial Advisor

-----Original Message-----
From: rrogers []
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 2:01 PM
To: Vantrease, Sandra [GWM-SBPVTC]
Subject: RE: Larry Rogers

Thanks Sandy. As of this morning, Larry's status is "stable" and he is
about where his doctors expected him to be at this time: machine is
doing his breathing, chest fluid is draining and the kidneys seem to be
kicking back in a bit. He'll be on the Vent and totally out of it for
several more days while his ribs begin to knit and heal. Then it will
take several days to wean him off the ventilator I am told.

You're a rock
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Vantrease, Sandra "
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 10:12:59 -0400

>Rebecca, thanks for the update. Lordy mercy.
>I'm copying WBA. We are definitely holding both of you in our thoughts!

>What's your cell number? I'll share it with anyone who asks for it if
>you wish, or won't if you prefer not.
>Angel - HA! Ain't no way. But glad to spread the word. I do hope it's
>good to not feel alone.
>And WBA, she may be stressed, but she's grace under fire.
>Sandy Vantrease
>Financial Advisor
>-----Original Message-----
>From: rrogers []
>Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 10:07 AM
>To: Vantrease, Sandra [GWM-SBPVTC]
>Subject: Re: Larry Rogers
>Thank you so much for coming to the rescue yesterday. You are an angel.

>Here is a version of what's going on with Larry if you want to share it

>with others. I'm off the the hospital for the 11 a.m. visit.--warmly,
>Hello friends: By now some of you have heard that my husband Larry had
>a serious accident the afternoon of the Fourth. He has nine broken ribs

>on his right side and is in the ICU at Doctor's Hospital. Surgery
>performed last night to take fluid from his lung. He's on a ventilator
>since breathing on his own is too painful. Since several of you have
>called to offer support and ask what's going on, here's a short version

>of the gory details (and that's not a metaphor in this case!) While
>investigating a possible leak in our attic, he fell through the
>ceiling, hitting the joist as he plummeted down to the floor below.
>911 called. Ambulance ride to Doctor's ER. ICU admission. He was doing

>fairly well for the first day or two, but the broken ribs scraping on
>the lungs were causing internal oozing and bleeding. (I told you this
>was going to be gory.). Last night the surgeon removed, and I quote,
>"about two quarts of gook" from Larry's chest cavity. The blood and
>fluid loss has caused renal failure (kidneys) so they are watching that

>closely. If the kidneys don't rev back up, maybe dialysis. Larry will
>be in the ICU and on the Vent in a medically induced coma for several
>days. Thanks to all who've called. I'm doing OK myself, but tired and,
>needless to say, a bit stressed. Please hold us both in your thoughts.

>---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>From: "Vantrease, Sandra "
>Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 14:56:20 -0400
>>I learned today that Larry Rogers fell this weekend from his attic.
>>He's at Doctor's Hospital in ICU.
>>Rebecca Rogers is the director at the Augusta Canal. Larry is her
>>husband, onetime Augusta Coliseum director.
>>If you know of any news, please let me know. Or anything we can do.
>>Sandy Vantrease
>>Financial Advisor

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