Wednesday, May 14, 2008

many women in this post

Just a few words for WBA this morn. Girl power indeed.

- Mary Schroer's been quite diligent with Gail Patty's family support, and we can all benefit from knowing what she and her dear husband Tim do weekly. They bring dinner. Last week, they brought chili and beer. This week, chicken enchiladas and chips and frozen popsicles for the kids. What a ministry! We could all do so well. I'm going to make some time this week. Thanks, Mary!

- And Deborah Klasser's hosting next week! Come one, come all to her fabulous home at 2636 Walton Way on Thursday, May 22 at 5 ish, and bring wine and/or snacks if it's convenient. Let me know if you can come.

- Betty Tucker, who hasn't come to WBA yet but keeps up with our activities via the numerous and hopefully not-too-annoying emails (remember, just let me know!), has headed up COGS for over ten years, a ministry of Church of the Good Shepherd that monthly donates time to a charity. This Saturday, COGS is meeting at Aroma coffeeshop at Surrey Center (formerly PJ's, now defunct) at 8:30 a.m. and then convening to St. Stephen's Ministry, a shelter for HIV positive clients, at 922 Greene Street to help with various projects, including painting. No need to be a member of Good Shepherd to join in the fun. Any time you can give is appreciated. She estimates 9 till 12 is the entire commitment. Call Betty at 706-738-4755 or email her (copied above) if you can come. I'm going - let me know too.

- Kay Lasser has somehow dropped off the WBA list and she has offered to host in June on Tuesday the 24th, a pool party at her house on Bransford Rd. Bring your suit! and wine and snack if you can.

- And lastly: Mary and Tim have been attending the Cotton Ball for three years now and she has sung it's praises each year. Finally I went! What a lovely event. You've missed it this year if you weren't there - and WBAers Magda Newland, Mary Schroer, Karin Gillespie, Kay Lasser and I were there (I've surely left someone out….please ring in if I have). This event supports Historic Augusta and it's on my calendar now! Jean Chadwick is the membership chair for Historic Augusta; if you'd like to be a member, email her (I've copied her above). Jean, call or email me if you are wondering what WBA is and/or want to come to our "gatherings" - you, too, can be a WBAer ;)

Sandra Vantrease
Financial Advisor
Investment Management Specialist Financial Planning Specialist

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