Thursday, May 1, 2008

Summerville crime: a meeting

Subject: Meeting set with Sheriff Ronnie Strength
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 15:37:50 -0400

Greetings Neighbors!

The Summerville Neighborhood Association Board of Directors will hold an informative meeting to discuss the recent escalation of crime in our area on thursday evening, the 15th of May, 7:00 p.m. at the Partridge Inn. Our guest will be Richmond County Sheriff Ronnie Strength who will be there to answer questions, inform us of what's been going on regarding burglaries, etc. and give us advice on what we all can do about this problem. This is our regular board meeting time and other issues may have to take a back seat to this important topic. Other information can travel around informally by e-mail, if needed, afterwards. If you have an friend or neighbor who has been a victim of one of these crimes and wishes to attend, please bring them along. I look forward to seeing you all there at this most important meeting.

Ginger Nicholson

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