Monday, March 3, 2008

casey leonard:

I've added several names to the WBA email list lately, and I know some of the newbies don't know Gail and Casey's story.

Gail has hosted numerous times at her home, and WBA supports her, her son Casey, their family in Casey's recuperation from an accident last May.

I'll call Gail and see if there's anything she needs from us. I'm sure she'll wish for our continued good thoughts and prayers. Anything else, I'll let you know.

Reminder that our blog is A few can't access it, so I'm email this update from Gail on Casey, below.

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Subject: Casey Update- March 3rd

Dear Friends and Family,

Casey has been hospitalized at MCG for nearly a month. Today, his physician gave me some good news, and some not-so-good news.

The not-so-good news is that Casey has developed a bone infection from his bedsores. In addition, he was diagnosed yesterday with a fungus in his blood. This means a new round of stronger antibiotics.

The good news is that the medical team has finally managed to stabilize his electrolytes. His low sodium levels were creating potentially life-threatening problems, but with the right mix of medications, he should be okay going forward.

His doctors are also thinking about administering botox injections to help with the spasticity in his legs. I'll know later this week when a decision is made by the internal medicine and neurology teams.

The doctor was pretty blunt today. He feels that Casey isn't really sick enough to be in a hospital, but is too sick to be cared for at home. He still needs intravenous meds, aggressive wound care, and physical therapy in addition to custodial care. They want him placed in a nursing home until his health stabilizes. This worries my heart because I'm afraid that if Casey is placed in a nursing home, he may never come out. There is also the problem of no locally-available nursing home beds, especially for a young, male Medicaid patient. I am asking for God's help on this, although I'm not quite sure what to ask for. I don't want Casey in a nursing home, but I do want him to receive the best possible care he can get. I want my son back home with me and on the road to recovery.

This stay in the hospital has taken a toll on Casey. He is very lethargic and isn't near as responsive as he was just three weeks ago. I could hardly get him to talk to me last night. Usually, mention of his children gets a response, but he just didn't seem to have his heart in conversation on any level.

Please pray for God's will for Casey as we face these most recent developments. Last Wednesday's "Loaves of Faith" Bible passage gives me hope in this time of trouble. These troubles and sufferings of ours are, after all, quite small and won't last very long. Yet this short time of distress will result in God's richest blessing upon us forever and ever! 2 Corinthians 4:17.

Love to all,

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