Tuesday, April 15, 2008

711 Aumond Rd.

asked Gail what we could do, and of course she said "nothing you aren't already doing."

We hold the entire family in our hearts.

I'll find out if they can use some home cooking.

Subject: Casey April 13th

Dear Friends and Family,

Casey is returning home (my house) tomorrow. His physicians at MCG have ordered in-home hospice care for him.

My precious son just can't seem to get over the horrible infections brought on by his bedsores. The worst sore has penetrated his spine and the infection has established itself in his bones. The antibiotics he's been given have become ineffective because the infections have become resistant to any drug...even the strongest available. I was told today that his prognosis is not good, that his body is just worn out, and that he doesn't have enough white blood cells to fight another infection when it "blossoms"...and which it surely will.

Inexplicably, his wife Michelle informed me today (knowing of Casey's dire condition) that she is taking the children and is going to travel to New York to spend a few weeks with her sister, leaving tomorrow. Needless to say, I was initially stunned and am now extremely disappointed that she would elect to do this now. I have begged her not to leave.

Please pray for us all...especially for Casey. If God wants him, I am willing to let him go. I just want my boy to be at peace and free of pain. He has endured so much.

Thank you for all you have done (and continue to do for Casey) throughout this journey.

With love,

Vantrease, Sandra

show details 3:17 PM (16 hours ago)


I just called Gail and she was at the hospital in the midst of moving
Casey to their home.

Rather than schedule as we did in the past, I suggest dropping food off
at her house as you can. She said they would be grateful for anything
beginning tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll send an email if she is inundated
and we need to stop bringing food.

If you plan to bring something, try to let me know. That said, next week
I'll be out for a week starting on Wednesday.

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Sandy Vantrease
Financial Advisor

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