Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ginny Connolly McNutt

I received this email a few days ago, from Donna Whaley. Please contact Donna if you'd like to help Ginny with meals or drop her a line.

Hello Sandy,

I just got a call from Ginny McNutt. Last Friday when She was at her Kanuga vacation in North Carolina her husband Tim was in a bad motorcycle accident. He was taking a late afternoon drive on Kanuga Rd. when a truck ran him off the road. The truck never saw him
and kept on going. Tim was thrown from his bike. Ginny had not heard from him and was very worried. To make a long story short he was found and flown to a Ashville Hospital.

He has six cracked ribs and three crushed vertebra with a collasped lung. Ginny is home right now but will bring him home this weekend hopefully. The doctors say that it will take at least three months recovery.

This is the reason I am emailing you about this. Do you think the WBA could maybe prepare a few meals for the family? Just to ease the load. Even a few supportive emails would help.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Samm's extravaganza

I got a late start at Samm's yesterday, leaving my office around 5:30, and when I arrived at the Fusselle's I parked behind Mary Schroer's red SUV. What a feast she had! They had hosted Ed's firm on Sunday so we had benefit of extras from that event - I got the caterer's card but can't locate it now, so ask Samm if you want her contact information. And her home is just lovely. The kitchen, where we congregated, has sweeping views of the pool and deck that we eventually moved onto to admire the landscaping that was artfully completely by Carolyn Ziegler and Jil Powell.

Mary had brought Gail and we chatted a bit while Ed came in bearing whiskey for the bread pudding sauce that Samm was replenishing. Jil Powell followed shortly thereafter. Gail and Samm discussed former high school classmates, including Marion White Linder, bless her, and her struggles with health.

Somehow Gail and I got onto the subject of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and I learned that she had been there when Mike Leonard, Casey's father, was managing Larry Jon Wilson and recording in a studio at a former plantation. I'm filing that one away - that girl has had some fascinating experiences. We didn't get a long conversation but she's doing well, back at work with both grandchildren lovingly cared for, Gaby in preschool and Aiden in mother's morning out.

We had a couple of new people this time: Shari Alexander and Anna Wilds and Kathy D'Atignac.

Nancy Gage came in - Nancy of SRP Credit Uniion and current president of the North Augusta Chamber of Commerce. She was followed by Sharon Johnston (of LinkedIn and networker extraordinaire fame, she's still job seeking) and her friend and realtor, Shari Alexander. Kathy Vokes, who had come with Bunny to Barb's home, followed, with news that she had just bought a home 3 weeks ago.

Anna Wilds followed. We've known each other for several years through church (well, more than several!) and reconnected on LinkedIn thanks to Sharon, so I invited her to come to WBA. She's a delightful person and smart cookie to boot. She's a franchise consultant, so if you know anyone looking for a business, she's your woman.

Anna had just met the franchisors that my husband and I met with in San Diego last week in his new venture, Brightstar Healthcare, a home health care company he's building. (He's looking for a Director of Nursing right now, and then LPNs, CNAs, caregivers, etc., so let me know if you know someone!)

Speaking of nurses, Pat Moss came in, followed by MCG general cousel Jenny Roddy, Cheryl Grace and Grace Waters and Carolyn Tynan. I had to leave for a dinner date with David, but the party was in full swing when I left and I'm guessing it didn't wrap up too soon. If you were there longer, please send notes and I'lll forward them.

Oh gosh - I almost forgot because I didn't write it down - guess who came??? Rebecca Rogers! Larry is doing so well that she came straight from work to Samm's. I was so glad! She's been a Strong Woman, in the WBA fashion exemplified by all of us - Carolyn Ziegler, Carolyn Tynan, Gail Patty quite recently, and we hope the fellowship lent her a bit of strength, or at least change of scenery.

By the way, if I missed you, let me know! It's been a wild week at work. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

We missed Barb Meeks and Linda Henderson - they both were trying to get to Samm's, but I suspect that their 5 o'clock meeting ran longer than they had hoped. Several others said they were coming that I didn't see either.

Jacqui Dekshenieks had mentioned hosting in October but we haven't reconnected on that. If you'd like to host October (if Jacqui can't, of course), November or December, let me know.

Many thanks to Samm for a bang-up first hosting of WBA~

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Sandy Vantrease
Financial Advisor

Saturday, August 23, 2008

WBA this week and next month

Samm Fusselle has graciously offered her home for WBA, on September 23, which is the 4th Tuesday of the month. She lives in Watervale off Steven's Creek Rd., and the Two Sisters and a Spade did their magic in her yard, so I sure hope Carolyn and Jil can come!

I got an email today from Laura DiSano: Also ,one of the ladies left a red, white and black golf sized umbrella here the other night.

If the aforementioned unbrella is yours, please know that I'll have it soon, because she's giving it to me to give to whomever it belongs.

Yesterday, I took some Bobby's Barbeque lunch to Rebecca at Select Specialty Hospital and she was headed home, with a casserole in hand from Ed and Sharon Enoch. She's tired but happy that Larry's making progress.

Marla sent me an email this morning that arrangements hadn't been made on the funeral service for her brother in law. He was in the car accident Wednesday evening, and his last name is Ashley. I've gotten several kind emails from WBA that I've forwarded to her and she seems quite touched by WBA's response. I've asked her to let me know if they need anything.

I am reading a Global Equity Strategist report entitled "The New Carry Trade" that is not exactly easy reading but it gives interesting insight into debt markets, liquidity and oil prices and energy share prices. I would never forward that sort of report to WBA, but if you are interested in reading it (including world regional and market strategy) let me know.

Now, to polish off the notes from this week:
I DO have Haroldene's last name: it's Shrek. Like the character! What a trip she was. An Aiken resident, she plays piano at Cumberland Village. She moved here from Hilton Head Island and volunteers her piano talents. Had a fascinating story about a man in his 90's who loved her named Buster.

Grace Sharp teaches 4th grade at Warrenville Elementary school in Aiken. She was retired from Trenton NJ public schools, lives down the street from Laura, and also does interior design.

Carolyn Tynan moved to Augusta right out of college at University of Virginia for a job at Georgia Power. She hated Augusta for almost a year, but it grew on her. She met a gorgeous man a few years after she moved here, they married and are living happily ever after, 24 years later. She is a key account manager at Georgia Power. Her customers are chemical plants. Her oldest just went to Georgia Tech to study electrical engineering (he's also a football player! And adorable!), has another son in high school and her daughter's in middle school.

Barb Meeks was dubbed The Vogue Model. She's been on a health regimen and looks great. Not that she didn't look great before! But whatever she's doing, I wanna do. She's lived here for 21 years, moved from Indianapolis and is a Michgander by birth and raising. If you aren't familiar with the term, let me know! She was the first I noted to invoke having had a Practice Husband. Several others later mentioned that experience, including myself. She's got 3 wonderful children, all grown, eldest getting her graduate work done at MCG, twins at UGA and Ga Tech. Married to Larry for 12 years and quite happy. He owns Meeks Auto and Truck in S Augusta, and they met scuba diving in the Bahamas.

Mary Schroer is a builder in Grovetown, Evans and S Augusta. Married with two daughters and three grandchildren, she's been here several years from Minnesota, taking care of her parents who are moving into a retirement community in a couple of weeks, to her immense relief and happiness. She's from Georgia originally but has been gone for several decades. Graduate of UGA, she can woof with the best of them. Several of us chimed in.

Pat Tante, born in SC, retired from Pfizer and is an artist, painting in acrylics and collages, quirky folky art. Loves working at the Morris as a volunteer, playing tennis and being with her sweetheart Richard and grandchildren.

Cindy DiSano, Jenny's good friend for decades and Laura's sister in law, is an Italian of first generation parents. She grew up in Rhode Island, teaches women's and gender studies in Connecticut, and is building a home in Evans to live in when she is not up north teaching. She's retired I think but was in the Marine reserves for many years and wants to volunteer, when she's here, for either or both of Wounded Warrior Care Project and Youth Challenge Academy. Oh, and the love of her life is her 10 month old dachshund, Cooper, named after the dude who jumped out of an airplane with gobs of money who was never discovered. She also dearly loves Laura and Dennis's children, judging from the zeal in which she showed us their wedding pictures that were on the mantle.

Oh no, I'm running out of time and I am less than halfway through. Jenny, Magda, Laura, Linn, Sharon, Jill, and Melissa had plenty to say! More later, I s'pose.

See why I've given up on notes????
Have a wonderful weekend.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

WBA Expands to Aiken!

Wednesday, August 20 at Laura DiSano's lovely new home in Woodside Plantation in Aiken. (152 Bellewood Drive, to be exact) Since Woodside is a gated community dontchaknow, she'll need to give them a heads-up about visitors, so do let me know if you plan to go and if you have room in your car to bring someone - since Evans is the furthest we've ventured, WBA Augusta-wise.

Here's what Laura emailed me last week:

I am going to invite several women from here- the new superintendent of schools, a PH.D. in ichthyology turned dog behavioralist, an interior designer, a marketing technology entrepreneur. Maybe we can be expanding into Aiken .Organic growth- gotta love it. Give me a call -so we can discuss. Maybe you can provide a little history on the organization so we can inform the guests.

Talk to you soon- friend.

Some of us know the history of WBA: We started eight years ago as a networking group for professional women. Dr. Dorthe Peloquin was briefly a Financial Advisor at Smith Barney who started WBA, and when she left Smith Barney she asked me to continue the group. What started with a handful of people that met for dinner at Dorthe's home has morphed into an email distribution list of over 100 women. We meet once a month at someone's home for appetizers after work. "Someone" is whomever offers in the group! We actually started with lunch once a month at a restaurant, and after a few years began to intersperse lunch with happy hour, till someone offered to host. I can't remember who that is…was it Brenda Durant?

There is no agenda. There is no application process. There is no organizational structure. WBA is simply an email distribution list on my computer at work. The way we've grown is by invitation.

But, as we have all seen, much more has evolved.

We decided we liked the "nonstructural" nature of the group, but that we would all support each other's causes, as most of us have nonprofit organizations that we work for, either in our spare time or as vocations. And so we have. Then, Gail Patty's son had a terrible accident, and Carolyn Ziegler had a terrible fall. Rebecca Rogers' husband, Larry, had a terrible fall. We've buried our loved ones. We've rejoiced in good news together. We've rallied like no other group any of us have experienced. Is it impossibly corny to say, "this is what love looks like"?

We have a blog: We might have a web page in future, and a directory. Anybody interested in getting something started like that, let me know and we'll carve out some time to work on it.

As I was typing this email, I got this from Rebecca Rogers (a/k/a R2) (HALLELUJAH!):

Hello dear concerned friends: As I write this update Larry begins our 5th week in the Doctors Hospital ICU. I am very encouraged by my morning visit. Over the past several days we’ve had our ups-and-downs, or, more accurately, downs-and-ups. After a rough patch in the middle of the week (bleeding at the sites of his various tubes and a return to ventilator breathing and another blood transfusion) he has rallied round! He is becoming more alert and breathing on his own again for extended periods of time. He is responding to familiar voices, smiling and sometimes even trying to laugh (although it makes him cough). I read him the Bill Kirby Joke of the Day in the paper and that brought a smile to his face. So he is WAY more with-it than he’s been in the past 4 weeks. That does my heart good.

Thanks for your continued concern.
1:30 p.m. Addendum. More Good News! Larry is “sitting up” in the chair position in his hospital bed. Much more alert. His doctors plan to take him entirely off ventilator support and either put in a valve that will allow him to talk or, perhaps, take the trache out all together. Fingers crossed!


Isn't that something! I don't know if anyone has dropped anything off at their home, but the fridge in the garage is accessible if you have something you'd like to bring for Rebecca to eat (or drink!). 3353 Sugar Mill Road, off Pleasant Home Road.

Carolyn Ziegler is making unbelievable progress at home.

Gail Patty is getting back to work, finding care for Aiden, her precious son Casey's toddler, and Gabby is starting school next week.

It's good.

And when it's not, let me know and WBA'll work on that, best we can ;)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pickens Plan education

The Weekly Pickens

July 22, 2008

Hello from the Pickens Plan!

We've been busy. Very busy.

Since launching the Pickens Plan website just two weeks ago, over 150,000 people have joined our cause to help end America's addiction to foreign oil—and that's just the beginning.

On Tuesday, T. Boone Pickens testified about America's energy problems before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

Last week, we scored our first major victory when the state of Texas approved a massive new wind power project. You can read all about the monumental undertaking—including mention of the Pickens Plan—here.

In other news, ABC's Nightline visited Sweetwater, Texas with T. Boone to see what all the fuss was about. There they discovered that "In Sweetwater wind has changed the future, and led to an economic turnaround in a place best known for its annual rattlesnake roundup."

T. Boone also appeared on CBS This Morning, Lou Dobbs on CNN, and Fox News. And Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, declared: "To put it plainly, T. Boone Pickens is out to save America."

That's not all. T. Boone and the Pickens Plan were in the pages of USA Today, The Economist, the New York Times, Forbes, the Washington Post, and his hometown paper the Amarillo Globe-News. There were op-eds from T. Boone in the Wall Street Journal and New York Daily News.

Meanwhile, over on the Pickens Plan website, we've launched a new blog called The Daily Pickens. There you can find up-to-the-minute news of the Pickens Plan, along with video messages from T. Boone. If you haven't already, check out the Pickens Plan Community, where you can meet and interact with fellow Pickens Plan supporters.

Finally, this weekend Pickens Plan supporters across the country will be throwing house parties, where they will discuss alternative energy, local energy challenges, and how to work with the Pickens Plan campaign in order to achieve real-world solutions. To find a party near you—or to learn how to throw your own house party—click here.

Thank you for your support of the Pickens Plan. With your help, we can change America.

—Team Pickens

"Sometimes it takes a crisis to awaken us from our slumber. But once aroused, the American people can accomplish miracles." - T. Boone Pickens

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Beatrice's goats

I'm not sure if you can access this NYT story, but it is compelling to me.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

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1106 Cortez
Las Palomas Golf and Resort, Puerto Penasco, Mexico -
Jun 23, 2008
by Sandra
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theese ees our condo, si? 60 miles from the arizona border
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