Wednesday, October 10, 2007

gee whiz

as i was driving down walton way around 8 pm, following cheryl's pickup truck through the neighborhood maze that confounds me almost always, i thought of how damned nice it was to have wba tonight.

i left my notes, and i'll have to get 'em from laurie. (how did that happen? i had my daytimer and my shoes! and the bag of new name tags. and i left the uneaten half of the five pound bag of peanut m&ms!!! better there than here)

i was having a semi-yucky week. but the gathering, the gaggle, the group of gals gave me ... i could say gumption, to keep it goin, but the truth is closer to: peace and strength.

we all go through lows. mostly we have good reasons for being blue. but most of us don't dwell on that. hence: gail is laughing, and hanging with the wobbers on a wednesday in laurie's backyard.

plus. we sang, "we lo-ove you Gail" to the tune of happy birthday to you.

we had about a baker's dozen at laurie's. if you weren't there, we'll see you next time at karin's.

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