Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hooray for Sandy

Good work on the notes.....I wish more people could/would utilize the blog but I understand it's foreign or inaccessible territory for many folks.

Thanks for the Home and Garden Show mention. It's a LOT of setting up an entire store for the weekend. But, I'm committed!!

See you soon.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Noteless at Lisa's: Feb 27

Well, I had to leave early. I got to Lisa's right around five, left at six. But I came back before seven and left after eight. So there are decided holes in this story. But I'll give it a go:

Lisa and her mom, Gloria, were there, setting out vituals and a beverage service in the living room. The makins for a very nice time were in process, and so it followed:

When I got out of my car and headed for her house, Linnie called to me from her car; she was waiting aboard, unsure of which home to enter.

Let's see: Jeinnie (I've corrupted the spelling but it is not a usual one) Avera, Susan Gillespie, and Vickie Greene were among the first to arrive. Jeinnie and I discussed titanium hips, since we each intimately know someone who's had new ones recently.

Several exceptional appetizers included Gloria's famous chicken salad and a fabulous platter of very special TakoSushi sushi. mmmmm.... oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't give Sandra Fenstermacher and ? her friend - someone help with the name please - credit for a spectacular prosciutto-wrapped pear and goat cheese appetizer they had prepared, but alas, did not get to share, as they both had, sadly, a funeral to attend.

Can you say girlfriends?

Vickie had somewhere to go at six, and so did Linnie and I. Donna came in with the famed Rotel Queso dip ingredients, and she got to work assembling that. Nancy came in soon thereafter. Friends of Lisa whom I hadn't met were there too; I sure hope she gives me their email addresses so that they can join the ranks of the ever-growing, elusive distribution list. Elusive, because my firewalls at work are tricky, and sometimes names are mysteriously deleted.

Linnie and I discussed Mexico as we left together. I came back, as I had hoped, and there were so many who had come in my absence.

I made my way past the kitchen to the living room, and introduced myself to a woman I hadn't met. Seems her name is Karen Royston, and she lives in Athens. A friend of Lisa's from Hilton Head, she is staying at the Partridge Inn and Lisa encouraged her to come to WBA. "I'm not crashing a party..." was her sensible reply. But she came, perhaps reluctantly, upon Lisa's assurance that this is one to crash. Lucky for me. She and I might have had more old friends in common than anyone else there. Once we established 30-some-year connections, however removed from actually knowing each other, we went on to realize that my Rotary club has been attempting to develop a relationship with her coworkers in Augusta, as she is a regional director at Vocational Rehab, part of the GA Dept of Labor. Coincidences galore.

Magda was there when I had returned, and so was Pat Tante, and many others. Cheryl Grace brought some copies of Karin Gillespie's latest novel, "Earthly Pleasures," since Karin is in Atlanta tonight.

Oh, Karen Hill's business partner, Pat Moss, came, with flyers about the Sacred Journey to Santa Fe they are planning for May. Which reminds me that Laurie Adams wasn't there because she was preparing for the Home and Garden show this weekend. Go see her at the Civic Center, and be ready to get some killer mosaics from the California contingent of WBA in Augusta.

And who came in near the end? What ho, Mercutio: Jenny Roddy! She'd been in a meeting till after six and thought she'd do a drive-by, go home if no cars, but oh yes, WBA was in full swing.

Karen from Athens asked about good restaurants in Augusta, so we filled her ear. Of course Bistro was the first name, but not the only one.

Donna from the 9th Street Wine Market was there, and so was Dennis' fiancee Joyce They are added to the list!

Several emailed me their regrets due to ill health, and we wish their recuperations speedy. Several couldn't come for conflicts, or obligations. This WBA bidness is decidedly an indulgence. We missed you if you weren't there, we hope you had fun if you were. and -

Thank you, Lisa, for a lovely evening.

Please, if you were there, I entreat you to comment on this haphazard recollection with your own experiences and impressions.

Next time might be at Magda's. We'll let you know.